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Follow The Gram!
Friendly Computer Cartoon


Handles events and overlooks the club, setting up meetings, and addressing any problems

Name: Ethan Kupka
Year: Class of 2023
Email: ekupka23@cornellcollege.edu
Fun Fact: Likes to play lacrosse

Friendly Computer Cartoon

Vice President

Handles the social media platforms and takes over roles of the president when needed

Name: First Last
Year: Class of 20##
Email: name@cornellcollege.edu
Fun Fact: Likes to draw

Friendly Computer Cartoon


Handles the budget of the club, seeing how much money is needed for upcoming events

Name: Mac Coleman
Year: Class of 2024
Email: mcoleman24@cornellcollege.edu
Fun Fact: Likes to draw

Friendly Computer Cartoon


Handles spreading the word of current events, posting on socials, and writes the meeting notes

Name: Matt Norwood
Year: Class of 2025
Email: mnorwood25@cornellcollege.edu
Fun Fact: Likes to work on his personal video game