BootStrap Logo

Senior Capstone: Experiences
By: Ethan Kupka

Throughout my time in the 2022 year though blocks 1-4, I developed a website for the Cornell College computer science club C4. I completed this by using Html, CSS, Sass, JS, and Bootstrap. I coded the website using Visual Studio as well. I learned about new topics such as frameworks and databases. Also diving into new styling languages and developing my knowledge in previous projects. My main goals for the website were design, community building, and easy transfer/use between C4 members.

I have given the C4 website a slick design improving the brand of the C4 club. I achieved this by learning Sass and using the framework Bootstrap. I had spent the longest amount of time focusing on the design of the website, going back and forth on what I wanted. I had run into a bunch of problems with styling the website. Most of the problems lead to the use of Bootstrap and then minor Html syntax.

For styling, I used Bootstrap. Bootstrap is a simple framework for websites focusing on designs rather than JS functions and the backend, unlike React, Astro, and Vue. I initially thought it would increase my time to finish the website, but without having any experience, it had taken me about the same amount of time as hard styling the website. Bootstrap used a style language called Sass and it was the biggest hurdle to learn. With beginner styling skills and knowledge I greater intent to focus on better understanding flexbox and grid of web development. This but this was delayed when I had to learn Sass. Sass is basically an ramped-up version of CSS adding more options to the code, making the styling process quicker in the future. Getting Started with Sass is pretty easy. You would go to their website and copy their command line code for installation and paste it into your terminal. Then you would make a '.scss' file. But to link this to a website can complicated. The file can't be linked to the Html like a CSS or a js file, an extension has to be downloaded to watch the '.scss' file on VScode and map it to a CSS file where it can be linked to the Html page.

Sass Logo

After reading about and using Bootstrap it does make the styling portion a lot simpler and quicker but it does require practice, especially if you are trying to change previous Sass files. It was difficult for me to change the files because there were three options one could take. The first and easiest option was making your own style sheet and overwriting Bootstraps Sass files by linking it after it in the Html file. This is not advised due to the fact it is efficient and can get confusing after a certain point. The second was rewriting Bootstraps files, but this wasn't advised because if something were to go wrong then there would be no safety net for style. And the third option was to make your own Sass files and link Bootstraps Sass files to them, then create paths to certain sections of the files, rewrite the code then push it to the CSS page linked to the Html. I tried to do option three but soon found out it was trickier than I thought. I found trying to understand the process would have doubled my time to make the easiest changes. So I weighed the pros and cons and chose the first option, to overwrite the Sass files through my own style sheets.

The biggest help from Bootstrap was the response factor of the website. It had provided great foundations for resizing the sections, so I only had to make minor tweaks. Even though I have had a rough start with Bootstrap, I know for my next project it would go by way smoother and quicker.